Keith Barnhart, historical & modern plucked instruments, and education coordinator

Dr. Keith Barnhart’s love of music spans cultures and time. His musical exposure at an early age was a mixture of mid 20th century rock, classical symphonic hits and whatever his brothers bought through the Columbia House CD club. He began teaching himself rock guitar at age 13 but soon fell in love with classical guitar.


Keith received his Bachelors in Classical Guitar Performance in 2006 from the Lamont School of Music where he studied with Ricardo Iznaola and Jonathan Leathwood. He received his Masters of Music from the San Francisco Conservatory in 2015 with an emphasis in Historical Performance, studying under Richard Savino and Marc Teicholz. Keith graduated in 2018 from the University of Colorado with a Doctorate of Musical Arts focused on the modern 10-string guitar, studying under Nicolò Spera. His dissertation work included researching and recording the music of Albert Harris.


Utilizing the lute, Baroque guitar, theorbo and modern instruments, Keith has played with the Smithsonian Chamber Music Society, Boulder Bach Festival's COmpass Resonance Ensemble, Pro Musica Colorado, Seicento Baroque Ensemble, Happy Hour Chamber Concerts, and as a guest at numerous university early music programs and ensembles. Additionally, he has had the pleasure of playing basso continuo for opera productions with the University of Colorado Boulder, the San Francisco Conservatory, The American Bach Soloists Academy, the Amherst Early Music Academy and the University of Northern Colorado.


Parallel to his performances, Keith works part time as a Certified Music Practitioner. Trained through the Music for Healing and Transition Program, he provides customized, live therapeutic music at the bedside to create a healing environment for hospitals, hospice and nursing care patients. 


Keith teaches classical guitar in public schools as a Teaching Artist with the non-profit organization Lead Guitar. During the summers he teaches guitar, mandolin and ukulele at Rocky Mountain Fiddle Camp.


Keith Barnhart is Boulder Bach Festival's Educational Coordinator. In this capacity he presents concerts, lectures, and discussions in K-12 schools and public venues across the Front Range of Colorado.